In this article you will find the recommended size and weight for all media to be included in your digital menu.
QR Menu:
Landing page size: 1100 x 2100 px
Item/ Dish Image and video size: 1200 x 900 px
Supported image types: jpg and png
Supported video type: mp4 - 30fps
Icon size for Items (if no image available): 1200 x 900 px
Maximum image size: 10MB (Recommended 2MB-4MB)
Maximum video size: 15MB (Recommended 3MB-5MB)
Tablet Menu:
Landing page size: 2000 x 2800 px
Item/ Dish Image and video size: 1200 x 900 px
Supported image types: jpg and png
Supported video type: mp4 - 30fps
Icon size for Items (if no image available): 1200 x 900 px
Maximum image size: 10MB (Recommended 2MB-4MB)
Maximum video size: 15MB (Recommended 3MB-5MB)
Home page background: 5760 × 3240 px
Supported image types: jpg and png
Supported video type: mp4
Campaigns for QR Menu:
Banner: 1500 x 600 px
Banner supports: jpg, png and gif
Pop-up size: 1100 x 2100 px – (Note: Pop-up size is customizable)
Pop-up supports image and video files in mp4 /GIF (maximum size 10MB)